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is the acronym of Information and Communication Technology). It is also used as a form of intervention in Autistic Syndromes. It is a work modality that uses IT tools to enhance the learning, communication and socialization of these subjects.

Its use must be individualized on the characteristics, preferences and needs of the individual patient. There are no predefined paths for computer use and educational software. It is therefore appropriate to compare the family, operators and experts for the identification of objectives and means.

Usually autistic individuals do not need expensive additional equipment. Many tasks can be created with tools already on your computer (such as PowerPoint). Rehabilitation educational software can be purchased that can be extremely useful depending on the purpose. Hardware aids can also be used: for example, for some children who approach the computer it may be useful to use touch screen, rather than the mouse.promot


Through the use of ICT it is possible to: propose a variety of activities, foresee the possibility of generalizing learning through new means, preparing activities and teaching cards (reproducibility of the material), identifying moments of play autonomously.



is the Acronym of Communication System through Image Exchange. It is one of the strategies used in the context of Alternative Augmentative Communication, but has specificity for children with autism spectrum disorder.

The introduction of an alternative augmentative communication system allows a functional communication on the part of the child with difficulty, with positive repercussions in different areas of development: communication, social interaction, with a diminishing effect on problematic behaviours.

It is based on the use of reinforcements (elements capable of modifying the frequency of a behavior), prompting (in particular, using visual and physical prompts), fading out (initially introducing many aids which are then gradually extinguished).

It aims to develop functional communication and communication as a social exchange, through small-step learning that includes six phases.

Phase: objective

FIRST PHASE: Guided physical Exchange.

      Simple image exchange with object;


SECOND STAGE: Increase spontaneity.

The child learns to:

- Go to the book for communication;

- Remove the symbol card;

- Go to the interlocutor and leave the symbol-card in his hand;

THIRD STAGE: Discrimination of the symbol.

The child learns to discriminate between visual stimuli and to express a choice;

FOURTH STAGE: Construction of the sentence.

The child learns to construct simple sentences with the symbol cards, composed of "I want" + the object of interest;


The child learns to answer the question "What do you want?”

SIX STAGE: Make a comment.

Learn to comment in response to the solicitation of the partner and spontaneously.

The general objective is to encourage spontaneity and the child's initiative in communication.

They can learn the exchange system for images parents, educators, teachers, therapists and people who revolve around the child. The PECS can and must be applied in all life contexts and is aimed at functional communication.


We use it when we teach something new; and when the child / boy does not respond to the given instruction, or when he is able to do what is required, he does not do it

Suggestion or prompt types:

1) VERBAL: Verbal instructions

2) IMITATION: imitative (modeling)

3) PHYSICAL: Physical guide (partial or total)

4) ENVIRONMENTAL: Suggestions linked to the stimulus: indication; position; redundancy (e.g. leave a box in plain sight where to store games)


Provide physical, imitative facilities through a modeling action or gestures to facilitate and achieve desired behavior



Event that, when it appears immediately after a behavior, it induces an increase in frequency.

1) It is used to enhance the behaviours to increase

2) Its value is not established a priori but after the effect it produces (if the behavior increases in frequency or not)

3) It must be given immediately after the target behavior

POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT: an incentive is added, which has the effect of a future enhancement of behavior that we want to increase in frequency.

NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT: REMOVES a stimulus from the environment, which results in an increase in behavior that we would like to reduce instead.



Sensorial (hammocks, trampolines, etc.)

Tangible (slime, balls, etc.)

Kinetic / Dynamic (activity, play, get up and walk).



Construction of sequences that have the purpose of leading to the realization of the desired behavior (target).

The assessment of the child's level of competence is necessary.



The Theory of the Mind is the ability to perceive or understand the mental states of one's own and others, thoughts, beliefs, reasoning, inferences, emotions, intentions and needs based on the observation of behavior and context and of the meaning inference. The system of inferences makes it possible to give meaning to behavior and predict the behavior.

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